Wednesday, August 24

vintage kitchen swap...♥

We ate curry in these beauti's, Cam says they are his "pots". Think i'll be taxing these back at the end of everyday.

a massive stack of my very own recipe cards.

for the lil tot

as you can see this lil guy loves his new home,isnt he toot.

"sweet little vintage kitchen swap"

here is the lovely parcel i received a few days ago,it felt like my birthday,thankyou Sarah.
you can see what i popped in the post for FaerySarah here..
wonderfully organized by Stella , thankyou Stell ♥ cant wait to see what everyone send and received!!

Watch this space for a vintage fabric swap


  1. Lovely! I love seeing what everyone sent and received! I feel so inadequate though, I don't think mine was personal enough... and yay for a fabric swap!!!

  2. it all looks so different in the eyes of someone elses blog!! xx


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